Mrs Jo Newell
Parent Governor
Appointed by Parents – Term of Office Started 07.06.2023 – 06.06.2027
Church Aston Infants School is a setting I am extremely proud to say my children have (and do) attend and would recommend to anyone. My daughter attended between 2019 and 2022 and my son is currently in Year 2.
For the last 17 years I have worked for a global technology consultancy company and feel that the organisational and planning skills I hold would fit well with supporting the school. Also, prior to that I held the position of IT Technician and Learning Support within a secondary school.
Being a parent fundamentally changed my perspective on life. Ensuring that children have a safe and happy learning environment where they can thrive and reach their maximum potential is of paramount importance to me (irrespective of their abilities or circumstance). I believe every child is different and deserves an education and curriculum to meet their needs.