Welcome to Class 1 Summer Term page.
African Art
We used a a variety of warm colours and created some beautiful sunset paintings.
African Masks
We used paper Mache to mask a mask then using a variety of animal prints we collaged on top to create some really marvellous masks.
Drama - Giraffes can't dance
We enjoyed listening to the story "Giraffes Can't Dance" by Giles Andreae and Guy Parker-Rees. We had great fun role playing the story.
We filled containers and identified when they were full to capacity, half full or empty.
In Maths reception children were making towers up to ten.
Reception children have been counting up to 20 with 1:1 correspondence.
Using the spots of a dice we used counters to complete tens frame.
We have been using instruments to play sounds of weather.
Counting piles of counters to identify 6 or not.