Meet the Governors

Our Governors are a valued part of our school and play an important role in:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Holding leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective performance management of staff.
  • Overseeing the financial performance of our school.

Our Current Governors and their link and special interest roles

Link Governor Role Governor
Finance and Personnel D Reeve
Health & Safety, Buildings and Maintenance S Spiers
Teaching and Learning J Bennett
SEND N Turnock-Ley
Safeguarding, Child Protection and LAC S Hislop
Attendance S Hislop
Computing D Reeve
Food N Turnock-Ley
Headteacher's Performance Management J Bennett and N Turnock-Ley

Our Full Governing Body meets twice a term and our forthcoming meeting dates are:

  • Monday 1st October 2024 6:00pm

Governor Attendance 2023/2024

Governor Attendance 2022/2023

Register of Business Interests

Governing Body Annual Statement

To view the latest Annual Statement please click the link below.

Governing Body Annual Statement 2022/23

The Constitution of our Full Governing Body for 2023/24

Governing bodies of local authority maintained schools are required to be constituted under the 2012 Constitution Regulations.  At the full governors meeting on 3 June 2014 governors approved the following constitution to be effective from 7 October 2014:

  • 2 Parent Governors
  • 1 Staff Governor
  • 1 Headteacher Governor
  • 3 Community/Co-opted Governors
  • 1 Local Authority Governor

Total: 8

This is reviewed annually.  The Governing Body can also include Associate Governors for when a specific skill set is required or when a project is taking place.

The Constitution of our Governor Committees for 2023/24

Disciplinary, Grievance, Employment Issues Committee - Appointed Governors:

Vice Chair of Governors plus two other Governors

Appeals Committee - Appointed Governors:

Chair of Governors plus two other Governors

Behaviour and Exclusions Committee - Appointed Governors:

Chair of Governors plus two other Governors

Our committees meet as and when required.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor

Becoming a governor could be a way of contributing to our school and learning new skills.

For more information about the roles and responsibilities of the position and details of how to become a school governor, please view the links below.  If you would like to discuss becoming a Governor please contact the school office.

Telford & Wrekin Council Information on Becoming a School Governor

Dr Janet Bennett

Dr Janet Bennett

(Chair) Local Authority Governor

Mrs Sarah Spiers

Mrs Sarah Spiers

(Vice Chair) - Co-opted Governor

Mrs Sarah Pitt

Mrs Sarah Pitt


Mrs Sharon Hislop

Mrs Sharon Hislop

Parent Governor

Mrs Jo Newell

Mrs Jo Newell

Parent Governor

Mr David Reeve

Mr David Reeve

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Nikki Turnock-Ley

Mrs Nikki Turnock-Ley

Co-opted Governor

Mrs Sharon Powell

Mrs Sharon Powell

Staff Governor

Mrs Clare Reynolds

Mrs Clare Reynolds

Clerk to Governing Body