Welcome to Class 1 Spring Term 2025 page

We have been using chalks and using a smudging technique to blend the chalks to create beautiful Northern Lights art.

In Science we prepared measuring bottles to place around school to collect rain. We shall be monitoring this over the next couple of weeks to see how much rainfall we have had.

In Music we learned about tempo and made the beat faster and slower.

Our Year 1 children helped show our reception children how to use the computing program Scratch Jnr. 

Reception thought about 6 as being 5 and 1 more.


In Computing we pretended to be Beebots and gave instructions to move around the floor mat.

We drew a setting for Jonty Gentoo to move around following an algorithm.


We used fancy pens to do some super writing.


Class one had a special delivery of penguins from Antarctica! We made sure our classroom was suitable for them by adding ice, snow, fish to eat and because penguins like to slide on their tummies we made them slides out of Duplo.


We enjoyed making windsocks and testing them to see the direction of the wind.

Class 1 had great fun making masks.